Form schema


Learn what the loop element is about and how it is used in the schema.


The loop element is used to define a loop.


It is defined using the following structure.

  "loop": {
    "while": "expression",
    "do": ["element", "element", "..."]

The value of loop corresponds to an Expry expression and it has to evaluate to a boolean value. While the boolean is true, the elements inside do will be used.


Here is an example in which the loop element is used.

import type { Schema } from "formity";

const schema: Schema = [
    variables: {
      languages: [
          value: "js",
          question: "What rating would you give to the JavaScript language?",
          value: "py",
          question: "What rating would you give to the Python language?",
          value: "go",
          question: "What rating would you give to the Go language?",
    variables: {
      i: 0,
      languagesRatings: [],
    loop: {
      while: { $lt: ["$i", { $size: "$languages" }] },
      do: [
          variables: {
            language: { $arrayElemAt: ["$languages", "$i"] },
          form: {
            defaultValues: {
              rating: ["love-it", ["$language.value"]],
            resolver: {},
            render: {
              form: {
                step: "$step",
                defaultValues: "$defaultValues",
                resolver: "$resolver",
                onNext: "$onNext",
                children: {
                  formLayout: {
                    heading: "$language.question",
                    description: "We would like to know how much you like it",
                    fields: [
                        select: {
                          name: "rating",
                          label: "Rating",
                          options: [
                              value: "love-it",
                              label: "Love it",
                              value: "like-it-a-lot",
                              label: "Like it a lot",
                              value: "it-is-okay",
                              label: "It's okay",
                          direction: "y",
                    button: {
                      next: { text: "Next" },
          variables: {
            i: { $add: ["$i", 1] },
            languagesRatings: {
              $concatArrays: [
                [{ name: "$language.value", rating: "$rating" }],
    return: "$languagesRatings",

export default schema;